Whether you're on active duty or retired from the military, you are eligible to join if you meet our eligibility requirements.

Yes. VFW Accredited Service Officers are trained professionals, skilled in navigating the complex VA claims process and helping veterans to recover billions in VA benefits and compensation each year.  Whether you're just preparing to file a claim or considering filing an appeal to your disability rating, find a VFW Accredited Service Officer in your area to get the assistance you've earned - free of charge.  You don't have to be a member to take advantage of this service.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) covers only those facilities in which the general public is allowed.  While a VFW Post is often considered a private establishment, and therefore not subject to the ADA's requirements, it may still have to follow the ADA. If a Post is open to the public, then it becomes a place of public accommodation under the law, and it must follow the requirements of the ADA and, therefore, allow service animals. 

VFW Posts not open to the public that are considered private clubs and that do not fall under the authority of the ADA should bring the question of service animal access within the Post to the general membership for a vote. Generally, the VFW views it as essential that our members with disabilities who may, for instance, be accompanied by a service animal, have access to their Posts and thus the VFW embraces the provisions of the ADA as it pertains to the rules governing service animals.  

View the U.S. Department of Justice website's frequently asked questions about service animals and the ADA.

No. The VFW's congressional charter prohibits the organization from endorsing or otherwise supporting political candidates or any individual running for a public office position.

The VFW Foundation accepts vehicle donations that provide funds to support a variety of VFW programs and services for service members, veterans, and their families.  It’s a simple and easy process and your vehicle donation is tax deductible.  While the VFW Foundation does not provide the vehicles directly, your donation makes a positive difference in the lives of America’s heroes. 

You must be a veteran who has honorably served overseas in an area of foreign conflict in order to join the VFW. However, if you are not eligible for VFW membership but are the parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, child or grandchild of a qualifying veteran, you can apply for membership in the VFW Auxiliary.  Email colemantranthampost4934@gmail.com or call (601) 600-0905 for more information.

Yes. You are welcome to subscribe to VFW magazine for only $15 per year (10 issues). Simply view and print the subscription form.

The VFW is always looking to develop strategic relationships with companies and organizations that work to enhance the impact of VFW programs and services directed toward service members, veterans, and their families.  By aligning with the VFW, you will be associated with our nationally recognizable brand and our more than 1.5 million VFW and Auxiliary members, plus their family members. If your organization or company is interested in working with the VFW, please complete our VFW Collaborative Relationship Proposal form here
Email:  colemantranthampost4934@gmail.com or call (601) 600-0905

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Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.



Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.